Industria maritimă

Low Voltage Switchboard
Design Standard: IEC 60092:302-2, IEC 61439-1 and IEC 61439-2.
Dulap: metalic, conform SR EN IEC 61439-1.
Componente: certificate CE, conform directivei europene (LVD) (2014/35/EU).
Automatizare: Automatic Transfer Control Device.

Dulap de distribuție la joasă tensiune
Design Standard: IEC 60092:302-2, IEC 61439-1 and IEC 61439-2.

Dulap: metalic, conform SR EN IEC 61439-1.
Componente: certificate CE, conform directivei europene (LVD) (2014/35/EU).
Automatizare: la cerere.

Low Voltage Motor Control Centre
Normative Tehnice Energetice:  NTE 006/06/00, NTE 005/06/00, NTE 002/03/00, NTE 011/12/00

Standarde: SR IEC 60092-101:2019, SR EN IEC 61439-1, IEC 61439-2.
Dulap: metalic, conform SR EN IEC 61439-1.
Componente: certificate CE, conform directivei europene (LVD) (2014/35/EU).
Automatizare: Automatic Transfer Control Device.

Low Voltage Motor Starter

Normative Tehnice Energetice: NTE 006/06/00, NTE 005/06/00, NTE 002/03/00, NTE 011/12/00.

Dulap: metalic, conform SR EN IEC 61439-1.

Componente: certificate CE, conform directivei europene (LVD) (2014/35/EU).

Automatizare: Direct-Online Starter, Delta-Star Starter, VFD Starter, etc.

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