About us
How much do you know about the business
in the Romanian energy sector?
We are a young team of professionals with no boundaries when it comes to approaching
challenges of any kind. Our aim is to make room for Romania on the
European stage in terms of quality and compliance with the standards.
Elengy Support in a Nutshell
Team players by nature. Professionals by knowledge and perseverance.
We are a young team with contrasting professional backgrounds as individuals, yet a strong passion for allyship and complementarity. Therefore, in 2022, we decided to join forces and started our first project together, Elengy Support.
We take over the recurring workload. Your team gets extra time to innovate.
We aim to be your partner in growth and take away from your team all the necessary, though time-consuming
day to day processes.
More flexibility and room to grow for us. For you. For everybody.
The past couple of years changed our reality and the way we interact with it and with each other.
Thus, we decided to look towards unpredictability with curious eyes, and embrace whatever it brings.
Design Center
No matter the size of the project, it’s in our work ethic to deliver solutions that pass any test, from standards and regulations to customer expectations.
Elengy Values
Collaborations become more meaningful when everybody involved shares the same values.
Need to get in contact with us?
Either you prefer to send your inquiry via email, call, or visit us, we will make sure you get the most valuable information in the shortest time.
+40 726 040 007
Where to find us:
Engineering: Hotspot Skyhub, Floor 14, Bucharest
Testing & Production: Sibioara, Constanța